Janice (pronounced Jan-eese) Morris graduated with a comprehensive BA from UWEC. She taught high school art for 32 years, most at Barron High School, in Barron , WI. Since college and retirement, she studied watercolor/mixed media with a variety of internationally known teachers .
Janice is member of The Minnesota Watercolor Society, The Artists of MN, the Northstar Watercolor Society, and the Red River Watercolor Society. She has exhibited and won several awards at the Artists of MN Spring Show. She gained her signature membership in the national show with Northstar Watercolor in 2017, and her signature status with MN Watercolor Society in 2019. My artwork has been accepted in the Red River Watercolor Society National Show, and the Minnesota Watercolor Society, The Artists of Minnesota, the Center For Visual Arts in Wausau, WI and the Wisconsin Watercolor Society shows.